Development of Political Intelligence Leadership Scale
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political intelligence- political intelligence leadership- types of leadershipÖz
In educational environments with scarce resources, school administrators must gradually improve their management skills. Not only management skills but also IQ and EQ should be developed in a related way. Although cognitive intelligence is sufficient for management, emotional intelligence is also important for understanding people. However, in a world where power is shared, it is understood that in addition to these types of intelligence, political intelligence should also exist to manage strategic interactions. For this reason, measuring the political intelligence leadership of school administrators constitutes the problem of the study. A valid and reliable political intelligence leadership scale was developed with a sample group of 597 teachers and school administrators. It is thought that the political intelligence leadership skills of school administrators can be measured through this scale. Political intelligence leadership was analyzed in four dimensions. These are futurism, trust, purposeful empathy, and power. Through political intelligence, school administrators' ability to manage strategic interactions in schools can be revealed.
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